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7 questions
If a website has words that are inappropriate and hard to understand for your age, what kind of site is it?
Green Light
Yellow Light
Red Light
Blue Light
If the site is a green light you should...
Continue using it
Ask an adult for permission before using
Have caution
Leave it immediately
What is a fake instagram account used for only posting things to specific people, groups, or even post it anonymously called?
Snapchat account
Instagram account
Privacy policy
Why are privacy policies important?
Identity thieves, scam artists, debt collectors, stalkers, and corporations looking for a market advantage are using social networks to gather information about consumers
Reading them can make a big difference in the choices you make online
If people spent time reading these statements, they would be surprised at what they are freely giving away
All of the above
How does the traffic light rule help you to be a safe digital citizen?
By helping you find unsafe websites that you should report to a trusted adult
It helps you decide where to find the most detailed information about a topic
By helping you find apps that you should delete from your device
By helping you choose sites that are safe, appropriate, and kid-friendly
If you find a "yellow" site, what should you do?
Leave the site immediately
Ask an adult for permission before visiting or using the site
Have caution about the articles, videos, games, etc. you are using/watching/reading
Both B and C
What kinds of people looking for a market advantage are using social networks to gather information about consumers?
Identity thieves, scam artists, debt collectors, stalkers, and corporations
Identity thieves only
Scam artists only
Only debt collectors, stalkers, and scam artists
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