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9 questions
What does the Power Up Immunity do?
Still get points when you get a question wrong.
Prevents you from getting one wrong answer.
Automatically get a question right.
Has no Power Play effect on you.
What does the Power Up Time Freeze do?
Freezes your time and you still get full points.
Freezes everyone else's points.
Make everyone's time drain super fast.
Freezes everyone's time.
What does the Power Up Streak Saver do?
Saves everyone's streak forever.
Saves everyone else's streak forever.
Saves your streak forever.
Saves your streak when you get a wrong answer.
What does the Power Up x2 do?
Doubles your points on an answer.
Doubles everyone's points.
Doubles everyone else's points.
Everyone except you gets their points on an answer halved.
What does the Power Up Power Play do?
Your points after a question are multiplied by 1.5 for 20 seconds.
Everyone's points after a question are increased for 20 seconds.
You steal 100 points from 1 random person every correct answer you get for 20 seconds.
For 5 questions, you are the only person who can get points, but your points from a question are halved.
What does the Power Up Eraser do?
Erases 3 incorrect answers from a question.
Erases 2 incorrect answers from a question.
Wrong answers don't count against you until you get the right answer for 1 question.
Erases 1 incorrect answer from a question.
What does the Power Up Double Jeopardy do?
Your points on a right answer are x2 or x0.5.
Get double the points on a right answer, but it will cost you 300 points if you get it wrong.
Get double the points on a right answer, but it will cost you 600 points if you get it wrong.
Get double points on a right answer, but it will cost you 100 points if you get it wrong.
What does the Power Up 50/50 do?
Gives you a 50/50 chance of getting a wrong answer right.
Halves the answers so you have 2 options left.
Gives you a 50/50 chance of doubling your point total at the end.
Gives you a 50/50 chance of halving a random opponent's point total at the end.
What is this mode called when you get a 2nd chance on a question?
Streak Gauge
Streak Meter
Redemption Question
Fiery Question to Redeem Yourself
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