
8th -



Earth Science Review


50 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    How does the above map best support the theory of plate tectonics? (8.ESS2.5)

    Points B and C are located on continents that are roughly the same size.

    Points B and C appear to have once been next to each other but to have since drifted apart.

    Point A is located on a continent that is substantially larger than the continent on which Point D is located.

    Points A, B, C, and D have not changed their positions on the globe at any time during Earth's history.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    The heat process caused by the uneven distribution of thermal energy in Earth's interior is called _____________. (8.ESS2.4)

    ridge push

    seafloor spreading

    slab pull

    mantle convection

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Which of the following discoveries would provide the best evidence that Earth's continents had once been part of a large landmass that has since broken apart? (8.ESS2.5)

    fossils of different species of organisms found at points A ad D

    fossils of organisms that lived during the same time period found at points A and D

    fossils of the same species of organism found at points B and C

    fossils of organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years apart found at points B and C

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