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A More Perfect Union Flocabulary Quiz


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    John Locke was a 17th-century English philosopher who formulated important theories about governments and humankind. Locke’s ideas were extremely influential on the Founding Fathers: America might not be America without him.

    Locke’s ideas influenced the Age of Enlightenment, also called the Age of Reason. Writers during the Enlightenment era, which lasted from the 1650s to the end of the 1700s, asked profound questions: what makes humans human? Why do governments exist and what is their role? Enlightenment thinkers didn't automatically accept conventional wisdom or the teachings of the church. Instead, they championed reason and science. Like Locke's writings, the theories and ideas of the Enlightenment were instrumental to the American Revolution.

    Based on the passage, Enlightenment thinkers

    were inspired by the American Revolution.

    challenged some traditional beliefs.

    believed that the church was always right.

    thought emotions mattered more than reason.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Montesquieu was an 18th-century French philosopher. He was another important figure in the Enlightenment. In his writings, he discussed the separation of government powers into an executive, legislative and judicial branch. He was inspired by the British system, but he imagined a system even better where no one person or branch could have all the power.

    The reason behind the separation of power was that a person or group of people who gain too much power can start making decisions that don't benefit all of society. They can use the government to benefit themselves or their friends instead. One way of keeping this in check is by separating powers in the government. Different responsibilities fall to different branches of government. This keeps any one branch from having too much power. One branch of government may promote a bad idea. But hopefully, the other branches will limit their power.

    Which detail from the passage best explains why Montesquieu argued for the separation of government powers?

    "He was inspired by the British system but he imagined a system even better where no one person or branch could have all the power."

    "In his writings, he discussed the separation of government powers…"

    "He was another important figure in the Enlightenment.”

    "...a person or group of people who gain too much power can start making decisions that don't benefit all of society."

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Locke advocated religious tolerance. He supported this over an enforced single religion. Locke argued that it simply makes more sense to allow people to believe and practice what they want than it would to try to force everyone to believe the same thing. His writings on the topic paved the way for religious freedom in the United States. Indeed, for hundreds of years people have come to the United States in search of religious freedom.

    Based on the passage, Locke would most likely agree with which of these statements about religion?

    Governments should promote religious tolerance because it is a matter of respecting human rights.

    It's easier for a government to promote religious tolerance than it is to try and force everyone to believe the same thing.

    Governments should support religious tolerance because it encourages more people to move to a country.

    Governments should promote and enforce a single state religion.

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