
9th -



Revising and Editing Practice


20 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    Which answer shows the correct way to write the sentence?
    Otherwise, the pancakes would stick to the the surface. And have a big mess to clean up.
    Otherwise, the pancakes would stick to the surface then we would have a big mess to clean up.
    Otherwise, the pancakes would stick to the surface, and we would have a big mess to clean up.
    Otherwise, the pancakes would stick to the surface, we would have a big mess to clean up then.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    Sentence Combining:
    Which of these is the correct way to join two sentences:
    He was practicing his soccer skills because he found a stray dog.
    He was practicing his soccer skills, there, he found a stray dog.
    He was practicing his soccer skills; and then found a stray dog.
    He was practicing his soccer skills when he found a stray dog. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    What is the best change we can make to this sentence: 

    After a few more questions and a breif pause, the quiz continued.
    Change few to fewer
    Change breif to brief
    Change the , to a ;
    No change needs to be made
  • Answer choices
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