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10 questions
What is the keyword for Ice Wedging?
water freezes
scratching, scraping, grinding
What is the keyword for Freezing and Thawing?
water freezes
scratching, scraping, grinding
expand and contract
What is the keyword for Plants?
water freezes
expand and contract
What is the keyword for Abrasion?
water freezes
scratching, scraping, grinding
What is the keyword for Animal Actions?
loosen or remove soil
scratching, scraping, grinding
What is the definition for Ice Wedging?
repeated process that splits rock when water seeps into the cracks, then freezes and expands, causing pieces to break off
scratching, scraping, or grinding of rock by other rock particles carried in water, ice, or wind
the cracks widen as roots grow thicker
rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled
What is the definition for Animal Actions?
repeated process that splits rock when water seeps into the cracks, then freezes and expands, causing pieces to break off
animals and insects loosen and remove soil supporting rocks
the cracks widen as roots grow thicker
rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled
What is the definition for Plants?
repeated process that splits rock when water seeps into the cracks, then freezes and expands, causing pieces to break off
animals and insects loosen and remove soil supporting rocks
the cracks widen as roots grow thicker
rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled
What is the definition for Freezing and Thawing?
repeated process that splits rock when water seeps into the cracks, then freezes and expands, causing pieces to break off
scratching, scraping, or grinding of rock by other rock particles carried in water, ice, or wind
the cracks widen as roots grow thicker
rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled
What is the definition for Abrasion?
repeated process that splits rock when water seeps into the cracks, then freezes and expands, causing pieces to break off
scratching, scraping, or grinding of rock by other rock particles carried in water, ice, or wind
the cracks widen as roots grow thicker
rocks expand when heated and contract when cooled
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