Build your own quiz


11th -



Chapter 5 Practice Quiz


11 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Consider rolling two number cubes, each of which has its faces numbered from 1 to 6. The cubes will be rolled and the sum of the numbers landing face up will be recorded. Let the event E represent the event of rolling a sum of 5. How many outcomes are in the collection for event E ?






  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    In a certain population of birds, about 40 percent of the birds have a wingspan greater than 10 inches. Biologists studying the birds will create a simulation with random numbers to estimate the probability of finding 1 bird in a sample of 6 birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches. Which of the following assignments of the digits 0 to 9 will model the population?

    Let the even digits represent birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches and the odd digits represent birds with a wingspan less than or equal to 10 inches.

    Let the digits 0 and 1 represent birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches and the remaining digits represent birds with a wingspan less than or equal to 10 inches.

    Let the digits from 0 to 2 represent birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches and the remaining digits represent birds with a wingspan less than or equal to 10 inches.

    Let the digits from 0 to 3 represent birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches and the remaining digits represent birds with a wingspan less than or equal to 10 inches.

    Let the digits from 0 to 4 represent birds with a wingspan greater than 10 inches and the remaining digits represent birds with a wingspan less than or equal to 10 inches.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Each person in a group of twenty people at a hotel orders one meal chosen from oatmeal, eggs, or pancakes and one hot beverage chosen from coffee or tea. One person will be selected at random from the twenty people. What is the sample space for the meal and beverage for the person selected?

    {(oatmeal, coffee), (oatmeal, tea), (eggs, coffee), (eggs, tea), (pancakes, coffee), (pancakes, tea)}

    {(oatmeal, pancakes), (oatmeal, eggs), (eggs, pancakes), (coffee, tea)}

    {(coffee, tea, oatmeal), (coffee, tea, eggs), (coffee, tea, pancakes)}

    {oatmeal, coffee, pancakes, eggs, tea}

    {(oatmeal, eggs, pancakes), (coffee, tea)}

  • Answer choices
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