Social Studies

11th -



AP GOV Unit 1 Review


37 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    20 seconds
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    All of the following were weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT:

    Nine of the thirteen states had to approve all laws.

    A national court system ruled on the constitutionality of laws.

    Congress worked in committees without a chief executive.

    Congress could raise money by borrowing or by asking states for money.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    20 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following was adopted to resolve the issue of representation in the House and Senate?

    Three-Fifths Compromise

    Virginia Plan

    New Jersey Plan

    Great Compromise

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    20 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following accurately characterizes the main difference between elite theories and pluralist theories of politics in the United States?

    Elite theories argue that a single minority dominates in all policy areas; pluralist theories argue that many minorities compete in different policy areas.

    Elite theories argue that social status is the major source of political power; pluralist theories argue that wealth is the major source.

    Elite theories view government as efficient; pluralist theories view it as slow and wasteful.

    Elite theories concentrate on the role of interest groups; pluralist theories emphasize the role of individuals.

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