



Chapter 6--Lesson 3 Quiz


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    What is “due process of law”?

    It is the idea that permits the government to take personal property to benefit the public interest.

    It is the guarantee that individuals cannot be tried twice for a criminal offense if a jury has found them not guilty.

    It is the standard that places limitations on laws and legal proceedings in an effort to guarantee fairness and justice.

    It is the notion that government can enact laws that recognize some but not all of an individual’s rights.

    It is the idea that "Downtown Brown" can expect you to bring him a mocha frap on Friday morning!

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    True/False-- James Madison promised that a Bill of Rights would be added to the constitution.

    False--he promised that he would cut Ben Franklin's hair!

    False-- he promised that he would rap the Constitution on the Senate floor!

    False--he promised that he would take Gen. "Turbo Warp" on a safari in the Amazon jungle in search of the Kadoo Bird!


  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    What was the main reason the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution?

    to define the rights and freedoms of citizens clearly

    to clarify the federal government’s position on states’ rights

    to address the country’s position on the slave trade

    to identify the characteristics of an American citizen

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