Build your own quiz


6th -



Theme Practice


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    A theme is the big idea in a story. It's the message about people or the world that the author is trying to get across. Themes are universal, which means they are true in all times and all places. They apply to many different types of people.

    Read the following passage from a story.
    Rohan triumphantly lifted the trophy above his head. Despite all the obstacles, he had won. Beneath his cheerful exterior, he felt a twinge of the constant pain he’d learned to live with. Almost unconsciously, Rohan removed one hand from the trophy and rubbed the thin red scar that snaked around his ankle. He thought back to the surgery and the weeks spent lying in his bed, unable to compete. The months of exercises to strengthen his leg. “Rohan!” he heard the crowd scream, as if in slow motion. A smile broke across Rohan’s face, shattering his thoughts. He returned his hand to his trophy, firmly grasping it.

    Which of the following is most likely a theme of the story?
    Some goals are too hard to achieve even if you try many times.
    Through determination, you can overcome big challenges.
    You need the support of your family to overcome challenges.
    When you achieve a goal, you shouldn’t brag about it.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt
    Themes are about universal topics. For example, a topic could be compassion, relationships or fate. A theme is often stated as a judgment about one of these topics. For example, a theme about the topic of relationships could be "relationships teach you important lessons."

    Which of the following could be the theme of a story?
    You can never turn your back on your family.
    A young girl returns to her family after moving far away.
    Most people have at least one brother or sister.
    “I’ll never speak to you again,” she said quietly to her mother.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    Stories that come from different parts of the world, cultures or time periods can have the same theme.

    Read the following passage from a story.
    Eriene gazed across the field, noticing how peaceful Creature's Cove seemed now. The only evidence of the battle were the scorched patches of earth dotting the landscape like a sunburn. Eriene clasped the jade pendant that dangled heavily under her robe. Her great-aunt's words echoed in her head. "This necklace has always belonged to the protector of what is good and just in the kingdom. Now, it belongs to you."
    Eriene had passed her first test, the dragon no longer a threat to the kingdom's way of life. Wisps of smoke drifted up from the land that its poisonous breath had burned. Soon, new grass would poke through, and memories of the battle would recede into the past. But Eriene knew this was not the end. This dragon lay slain in the Yonderland. But its spirit would return again and again in different forms.

    Which of the following is most likely a theme of the story?
    Evil can easily be defeated.
    Good people are difficult to find.
    Good and evil always exist together in the world.
    People often forget the things they don't want to remember.
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