



UH Bahasa Inggris 11th grader ke 2


40 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Man: Our town has a problem with excessive garbage. It creates bad odor everywhere

    Woman: Yes. We have no more space to collect it

    Man: In my opinion, we should apply high technology to process the garbage.

    Woman: I think so. Do you know what technology we can apply?

    Man: We may use hydrothermal technology.

    What is the man's solution for the garbage problem?

    Garbage recycling process

    The garbage odor removal

    More space to collect the garbage

    Technology in separating garbage

    High technology in processing garbage

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Woman: I'd like you to attend the parenting seminar held by our school

    Man: What is it about?

    Woman: Effective education for young people in the millennial era.

    Man: It sounds interesting. Who will be the speaker?

    Woman: Mrs. Risma, a psychologist

    Who is the seminar especially aimed at?



    Young People



  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Girl: I am going to have a birthday party, but I have no clear concept about it

    Boy: That's not a big problem

    Girl: What do you mean?

    Boy: You can ask an event organizer to arrange the party.

    Girl: Good suggestion! I will talk about it with my parents.

    What is the boy's suggestion for the girl's party?

    She arranges it by herself

    She asks her friends to help

    She uses an event organizer

    She talks to her parents about it

    She searches for a party concept

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