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French and Indian War Flocabulary


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Native Americans lived in North America for thousands of years before the arrival of Europeans. They lived in independent nations with their own territories and languages. They had their own forms of government. They had feuds and alliances with other Native American nations.

    By the middle of the 1700s, both France and Great Britain had busy colonies in North America. Britain had the thirteen colonies along the east Coast. They settled towns and villages and cleared land for farming. The French claimed the land north and west of the British colonies. The French were mostly trappers and traders. Because they did not claim land for farming and were generally respectful, the French had comparatively good relationships with many Native American nations.

    How did British colonists differ from French colonists in the 1700s?

    The British did not claim land for farming, but the French did.

    The British settled in only one area, while the French established thirteen colonies.

    The British settled towns and farms, while the French mostly trapped and traded.

    The French did not interact with the Native American tribes, while the British established good relationships with them.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
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    In the 1750s, Native American nations, the French and British got into conflict oer the Ohio River Valley. The land was valuable to all three groups. Native American nations such as Chippewa, Ottawa, Delaware, and some of the Iroquois had lived on the land for hundreds of years.

    The British colonists were running out of space on the East Coast and needed to expand. Some Virginia planters even got a charter from the king to start selling land along the Ohio River.

    The French like the region because it had a lot of valuable game for trapping and was accessible by many waterways. The deputy governor of Virginia send a young major named George Washington to ask the French to leave the area in 1753. The French refused. They chased Washington and his men away.

    Who claimed the territory of the Ohio River?

    only the French

    the British and the French

    the British and many Native American nations

    Native American nations, the French, and the British

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
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    In 1754, Washington returned to the Ohio River Valley to build a fort. When he and his men arrived, they discovered that the French were building their own fort. The two groups had a brief struggle, and a French captain was killed. The French retaliated and captured the British fort. Tension between the two countries grew. Both France and Britain sent more troops to North America. Britain officially declared war on France in 1756.

    At first, the French had the advantage. They built alliances with Native American nations like the Huron. The Native Americans shared their fighting strategies with the French. They used camouflage to hide themselves and their weapons from the British. This confused the British, who fought in straight lines on open fields. For the first two years of the war, Britain suffered major losses.

    Why did the British suffer many losses at the beginning of the war?

    The French outnumbered the British.

    The French army was stronger and better trained.

    The French and Native Americans used tactics like camouflage, confusing the British.

    The French and Native Americans fought battles in straight lines on open fields, confusing the British.

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