
6th -



Author's Purpose ADVANCED


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    The national Parks System costs $1.2 billion annually to operate. Of that amount, $900,000 is spent on costs associated with visitors. The system has 368 locations, including major parks, such as the Grand Canyon, and small, specialized parks that feature one thing. We need to reexamine the type and quality of parks paid for by federal dollars. An independent commission could review the parks and determine whether or not they all should be kept open and what level of fees should be charged to park users. Currently, the people who use parks pay less than ten percent of the costs of operating them.
    1.  What is the author suggesting?
    A commission should start closing the smaller parks. 
    The government should pay a larger portion of the costs of running the national parks. 
    There is a need to reexamine the current parks to be sure we want to keep them and see if we need them all. 
    The National Park System will be fine if we just eliminate some of the smaller specialized parks. 
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    The national Parks System costs $1.2 billion annually to operate. Of that amount, $900,000 is spent on costs associated with visitors. The system has 368 locations, including major parks, such as the Grand Canyon, and small, specialized parks that feature one thing. We need to reexamine the type and quality of parks paid for by federal dollars. An independent commission could review the parks and determine whether or not they all should be kept open and what level of fees should be charged to park users. Currently, the people who use parks pay less than ten percent of the costs of operating them.
    2.  The author would agree with which of the following?
    The National Park System should continue as it is. 
    Government systems waste time and money
    It is good to reevaluate things as time goes on. 
    The park system should be shut down. 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    People are concerned that irradiated food will lead to an increase in cancer. But what about the benefits of reduced toxins, food decontamination, and a longer shelf life? Have x-rays cause people to become radioactive? Irradiation eliminates poisonous toxins and microorganisms. Scientists have found more of a chemical reaction in frozen and canned food than in food that has been irradiated. Sixty-seven percent of consumers would be willing to pay more for chicken that has significantly fewer toxins, according to a recent survey. 

    3.  With which statement would this author most likely agree.
    Frozen foods are safer than irradiated foods. 
    X-rays cause people to become radioactive. 
    People are foolish to worry about cancer. 
    Irradiation reduces the risks of contamination.
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