
9th -



AP Stats Ch.1 Review


20 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    The stem-and-leaf diagram below gives the distribution of the ages in years of 20 participants at a family reunion. Which of the following statements about the distribution is correct?
    The first quartile is larger than the third quartile.
    The distribution is strongly skewed to the left.
    It makes the most sense to use the mean and standard deviation as a numerical summary of the center and spread of this distribution.
    The mean is larger than the median.
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    Independently selected groups of middle-school children were given a poem to memorize. After a certain period of time, they were asked to recall as much of the poem as they could. A back-to-back stem plot of the distribution of the number of words that each group of children could correctly remember is displayed above. Which of the following statements about these data is true?
    There are more students in Group 1 than in Group 2.
    The third quartile of the Group 1 distribution is larger than the maximum value of the Group 2 distribution (that is, 25% of the Group 1 values are larger than any Group 2 value).
    The median of the Group 2 distribution is smaller than the first quartile of the Group 1 distribution (that is, 50% of the Group 2 values are smaller than at least 75% of Group 1 values).
    The mean number of words remembered for Group 1 is smaller than the mean number of words remember for Group 2.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    Which of the distributions displayed in the dot plots below has the highest standard deviation?
    Distribution A
    Distribution B
    Distribution C
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