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20 questions
Multicellular, no cell wall, moves and is heterotroph; which kingdom does it belong to?
Muktisel, tiada dinding sel, bergerak, dan heterotrof, Apakah alam tersebut?
Animalia / haiwan
Bacteria / Bakteria
Plantae / Tumbuhan
Autotrophs /Autotrof??
Make their own food / membuat makanan sendiri
Get their food from others / mendapat makanan daripada organisma lain
are Fungi / sejenis fungi
are none of the above / tiada jawapan
Heterotrophs / heterotrophs??
make their own food / mebuat makanan sendiri
get their food from others / mendapat makanan drpd organisma lain
are fungi / sejenis fungi
none of the above/ tiada jawapan
Multicellular organisms belong in which kingdom?
Multisel adalah cth organisma dalam alam apa?
Archaebacteria / bakteria
Fungi / fungi
Protist / protista
microorganism / mikroorganisma
Mutlicellular decomposers are in which kingdom?
organisma multisel pengurai adalah daripada alam?
Fungi / fungi
Protist / protista
Plantae / tumbuhan
Animalia / haiwan
Which Kingdom is the virus in?
Virus dikelaskan dalam alam apa?
Protists / Protista
Animalia / haiwan
Fungi / fungi
It is not in a kingdom because it isn't living. / ia tiada alam kerana bukan benda hidup
Mulitcellular organism have..?
multisel mempunyai...?
one cell / satu sel
many cells / banyak sel
no cells / tiada sel
both one cell and many cells /kedua jawapan satu dan banyak sel
Protists have mostly ...
kebanyakan protista mempunyai ciri ....
are non moving /tidak bergerak
single celled but don't move / satu sel tetapi tidak bergerak
single cell and move with a cilia or flagella / satu sel dan mempunyai bnyk silia
many celled with a cilia or flagella / banyak sel dgn silia dan flagela
Which of the following characteristics is the most important in classifying an organism into a kingdom?
red in color
reproduces asexually and sexually
Which of the following is NOT living?
yang manakah bukan benda hidup?
bacteria / bakteria
tree / tumbuhan
amoeba / amoeba
virus / virus
I am multicellular and autotrophic which kingdom would I be in?
saya adalah multisel dan autotrof, alam apakah saya?
Plantae / tumbuhan
Animalia / haiwan
Fungi / fungi
Protists / protista
Which kingdom would I be in if I had:
heterotrophic, usually sexual reproduction, and multicellular
I am mainly multicellular, heterotrophic and reproduce with spores (asexual) and sexually.
saya multisel, heterotrof, dan membiak secra spora(seks da n aseks), apakah saya?
Plantae . tumbuhan
Animalia/ haiwan
Fungi /fungi
I am single celled (mostly), Eukaryotic, heterotroph, reproduce sexual and asexual. What Kingdom am I in?
saya sel tunggal , eukariot, heterotrof, membiak secara aseks dan seks. apakah saya?
Fungi / fungi
animalia / haiwan
Eubacteria / bakteria
Protists / protista
What is the initial energy source for most biological communities?
Apakah sumber tenaga awal untuk kebanyakan komuniti Biologi?
Soil / Tanah
Sun / Matahari
Plants / Tumbuhan
Producers / Pengeluar
Diagram 15 shows the interaction between bacteria in X and plant Y.
Rajah 15 menunjukkan
interaksi antara bakteria dalam X dengan tumbuhan Y.
What is the type of interaction between the organisms?
Apakah jenis interaksi antara organisma tersebut?
Commensalism / Komensalisme
Saprophytism / Saprofitisme
Parasitism / Parasitisme
Mutualism / Mutualisme
Which of the following describes a niche?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menerangkan tentang nic?
The function of an organism in an ecosystem.
Peranan suatu organisma dalam suatu ekosistem.
The natural surroundings where organisms live.
Persekitaran semulajadi di mana organisma hidup.
Different spesies which live together in an ecosystem.
Spesies berlainan yang tinggal bersama dalam ekosistem.
Several spesies of organisms which live together.
Beberapa spesies organisma yang tinggal bersama di tempat yang sama.
Which of the following are abiotic components in an ecosytem?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan komponen abiotik dalam suatu ekosistem?
Consumer / Pengeluar
Humidity / Kelembapan
Decomposer /Pengurai
Consumer /Pengguna
Which of the following is the correct order
in the classification hierarchy beginning with the lowest group?
Antara yang berikut, manakah urutan yang betul dalam
pengelasan hierarki bermula dengan kumpulan terbawah?
Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom
Spesies, genus, famili, order, kelas, filum, alam
Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
Alam, filum, kelas, order, famili, genus, spesies
Kingdom, order, phylum, species, class, genus, family
Alam, order, filum, spesies, kelas, genus, famili
Species, phylum, class, order, family, genus, kingdom
Spesies, filum, kelas, order, famili, genus, alam
Diagram 11 shows the root system of a mangrove plant.
Rajah 11 menunjukkan sistem akar tumbuhan bakau.
Which species has this type of root / Spesies yang manakah mempunyai akar jenis ini?
Aviccennia sp
Brugueira sp
Sonneratia sp
Rhizophora sp
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