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Students that are engaged intellectually and physically in activities that promote understanding and evaluation of academic content
Active Learners
Digital Citizens
Engaged Learners
Blended Learning is
Learning that occurs in a diverse, multicultural classroom setting
A classroom environment in which students learn in dual languages
Academic experiences achieved through a combination of face-to-face and online classes
An academic setting in which students are encouraged to collaborate and teach one another
Common Core State Standards are
State Standards
County Standards
District Standards
National Standards
Learning the names, functions, and procedures of computer hardware and software is
Computer Awareness
Computer Literacy
Digital Competency
Technological Competency
Digital Citizenship is defined as
Being an active part of an online community
Students who are able to skillfully utilize technology
Having had taken an online academic course and becoming familiar with how to use technology
Roles and responsibilities for acting ethically and safely in digital environments
An example of a formative assessment would be
A ticket out the door, with a question about the lesson
An EOG taken at the end of 4th grade
A high school student taking the SAT
A unit test of several science chapters
Metacognitive thinking can be described as
"Thinking about thinking"
"Thinking about educational practices"
"Higher order thinking"
"Thinking about psychology"
Lack of access to interactive digital technologies by low-income students, diverse learners, and older Americans is known as
Technology Deficit
Digital Gap
Technology inadequacy
Digital Inequity
Which of these is an example of Lower Order Thinking
What is Open-Source Software
Online programs available for anyone to use, copy, and recreate for free or minimal charge.
Software disks that you can purchase and download onto your computer
Software programs that your teacher grants you special permission to access/use
Online programs that you have to pay a yearly subscription to in order to be able to use
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