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7 questions
Which is the stressed syllable for convenient?
CON ven ient
con VEN ient
con ven IENT
Which is the stressed syllable for confidence?
CON fi dence
con FI dence
con fi DENCE
Which is the stressed syllable for multitasking?
MUL ti tas king
mul TI tas king
mul ti TAS king
mul ti tas KING
Which is the stressed syllable for accountability?
A ccoun ta bi li ty
a CCOUN ta bi li ty
a ccoun TA bi li ty
a ccoun ta BI li ty
a ccoun ta bi li TY
Which is the stressed syllable for executive?
EX e cu tive
ex E cu tive
ex e CU tive
ex e cu TIVE
Which is the stressed syllable for differentiate?
DIFF e ren ti ate
diff E ren ti ate
diff e REN ti ate
diff e ren TI ate
diff e ren ti ATE
Which is the stressed syllable for rational?
RA tion al
ra TION al
ra tion AL
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