Rate of Reaction
anonim _
10th Grade
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increasing temperature
increasing concentration
increasing surface area
all of these
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Slow collision frequency
Allow less effective collision between the particles
Neutralise the reaction
increase collision between the particles thus increasing the rate.
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it produces extra energy for the reactants
it increases the speed of the reactant particles
it increases the frequency of particle collisions
it reduces the activation energy of the reaction
Multiple Choice
less surface area
lower temperature
an inhibitor
increased concentration
Multiple Choice
the particles also need to collide with a catalyst
not all the particles collide with enough energy
not all the particles collide at a high enough temperature
the particles need to collide with each other twice
Multiple Choice
it increases both the frequency and energy of particle collisions
it only increases the frequency of particle collisions
it only increases the energy of particle collisions
it reduces the activation energy of the reaction
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