



AP Lang Passage


14 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    The examples inside the dashes in lines 1-2 serve to emphasize...

    the formulaic manner in which most texts are studied

    the broad applicability of the reading strategies that follow

    the difference between the Declaration and works of imaginative literature

    the difficulty of discerning authorial intention in a text

    the variety of forms of writing that existed at the time of the Declaration

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    In context, the sentence in lines 9-10 (“Asking these . . . art”) can best be understood as...

    a reason for adopting a particular way of studying the Declaration

    a challenge to commonly held ideas about the role of the Declaration in American history

    a confirmation of the author’s assumption that Americans are unfamiliar with the Declaration

    a possible objection from Declaration scholars who resist textual analysis

    an unforeseen complication regarding the author’s view of the Declaration

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    The author’s primary purpose in the first

    paragraph (lines 1-10) is to...

    explain the value of an approach

    anticipate a particular conclusion

    summarize the history of an idea

    evaluate one side of a contentious debate

    present evidence in support of an argument

  • Answer choices
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