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10 questions
Graphic organizers...
Summarize and organize information
Activate prior knowledge and help create connections
Visualize conceptual relationships
When giving students a graphic organizer for the first time, you should...
Have them try to use it on their own - see what they know!
Pair students up and have them work together to fill it out
Model how to use a graphic organizer with a specific example
Teach students how to effectively use a graphic organizer
Select the advantages of graphic organizers for ELLs.
Content is easier to comprehend and learn
Helps English Language Learners become more strategic readers and learners
Provides a visual representation of information for only visual learners
Reduces processing demands
What does BICS stand for?
Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills
Basic Intrapersonal Communication Skills
Basic Individual Communication Skills
What does CALP stand for?
Cognitive Acquisition of Language Proficiency
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
Certificate of Academic Language Proficiency
Cognizant Ability for Language Proficiency
How long does it generally take English Language Learners to develop CALP, or academic language?
9-12 months
2-4 years
5-7 years
7+ years
T/F: Graphic organizers are only beneficial for culturally and linguistically diverse students and students with disabilities.
T/F: Graphic organizers can be used by all students in all content areas.
What are some examples of Graphic Organizers?
K-W-L Chart, Timeline, Main Idea and Details Map
Concept Map, Problem-Solution Map, Word Study Chart
Cause and Effect, Process Steps, Brainstorm Web
Plot Line, Sequence Map, Venn Diagram
Y/N: In my future classroom, I will use graphic organizers for all of my students.
No way, José!
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