



Category 4 Organisms and Environment


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    An ecosystem that is not sustainable can break down when a natural disaster occurs. This can lead to organisms in the ecosystem either leaving the area or dying off.

    Increased biodiversity results in a more sustainable ecosystem because -

    a greater number of plant species means that there is less barren land

    a greater variety of species present allows more organisms to adapt after changes occur

    the transition area between two ecosystems is narrower

    therer are fewer species to be affected by environmental stresses

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    A group of scientists studied some trees in a pine forest. In the densely forested areas, the trees were within 1 m of each other. The scientists observed that these trees had dead branches near the ground. They measured the height above the ground at which the first living branches were found on different-sized trees in the forest. Then they repeated this procedure on the same kind of trees in an open meadow. This graph summarizes the scientists’ data.

    Which inference is best supported by these data?

    Pine trees in a dense forest can grow taller than pine trees in an open meadow.

    Pine trees in a dense forest compete for sunlight with the surrounding trees.

    Pine trees in a dense forest are part of a less-complex food web than pine trees in an open meadow.

    Pine trees in a dense forest have more living branches than pine trees in an open meadow.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Lions and cheetahs prey on wildebeests that graze in the grasslands of the African savanna. What likely effect would increased rainfall over several rainy seasons have on the populations of wildebeests, lions, and cheetahs?

    All three populations would increase.

    The wildebeest population would decrease, and the lion and cheetah populations would increase.

    The wildebeest population would increase, and the lion and cheetah populations would decrease.

    All three populations would decrease.

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