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NewsELA: Amazon Rainforest


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the section "NG: You have worked in the Amazon for more than 50 years. How have you seen the region change?"

    Which sentence from the section shows Dr. Thomas Lovejoy's point of view about saving the Amazon?

    In the 1960s, there was only one highway in the entire Amazon region.

    About 20 percent of the forest has disappeared, too.

    Today, there are many more national parks in the Amazon.

    The real challenge is how to plan and manage the Amazon.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Which phrase in the section "When we talk about protection of the Amazon, it's hard for many people because they don't feel connected to the region. How can we change that?" explains the meaning of the word drought?

    ...a snake called the bushmaster lives in the Amazon.

    ... with one highway and 3 million people.

    ... a long period with no rain,

    ...so there is less reason to cut down trees.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the sentence from the section "Fast Facts."

    The World Wildlife Fund says that forest loss and reduced rainfall may someday cause the Amazon to release more carbon emissions than it captures.

    How would Lovejoy MOST LIKELY respond to this sentence?

    It is not too late to stop that from happening in the rainforest.

    Carbon emissions are already happening in the rain forest.

    Forest and rainfall loss are not current risks for the rain forest.

    No research supports this idea about the rain forest.

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