8th -



Grade 8/ ELA 1


8 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Which of the following sentences about coal mining is an example of verbal irony?

    If you are tall, getting through the tunnel is particularly difficult because you have to bend down.

    The elevator can reach speeds of 60 mph, but most people don't notice until it starts to slow down.

    After a backbreaking day of work, the miners are rewarded with a 90-minute crawl back to the elevator.

    Travelling through the tunnel to the worksite is not considered work, so the miners are not paid for "travelling" time.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Which of the following sentences uses verbal irony?

    Not many people realize how difficult a miner's job really is.

    Working in extreme heat and pitch-black darkness underground sounds like fun.

    On the ride down, as many as ten miners are squeezed together in the tiny elevator.

    Most miners have built up the right muscles to deal with difficult "travelling."

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    Which sentence contains an example of verbal irony?

    I can't wait until this weekend when I get to clean the basement.

    I'm really looking forward to going to the baseball game Thursday night.

    After we finish writing the scene, we should practice it for our performance.

    I don't expect to have much fun this weekend because I have so many chores to do.

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