


My life with Chimpanzees - Jane Goodall


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
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    According to the excerpt from My Life With the Chimpanzees, why did Jane Goodall go to Gombe National Park?
    A. to join a chimpanzee family
    B. to study chimpanzee behavior
    C. to work as a chimpanzee doctor
    D. to learn to make chimpanzee tools
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    According to the excerpt from My Life With the Chimpanzees, what important discovery did Jane Goodall make during her early years at Gombe Park?
    A. Chimpanzees can learn to write.
    B. Chimpanzees make and use tools.
    C. Chimpanzees give each other names.
    D. Chimpanzees eat mostly fruits and nuts.
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    If the leopard vanished into the forest, which of the following must be true? Base your answer on the meaning of vanished.
    A. It was captured.
    B. It made a loud cry.
    C. It can no longer be seen.
    D. It moved at a high speed.
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