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How to Become a Writer


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    1 Read the diagram below, which outlines the steps to becoming a good writer.

    Read well-written books as models of good writing. Begin your own writing in a simple style.

    When you know what you want to write, use what you have learned to express it in your own way.

    According to Keller, which step belongs in the third box?

    Increase the complexity of your writing until it perfectly matches the style of the writers you admire

    Practice writing until you can tell what you have done well or poorly and can edit your own work.

    Find a mentor who can teach you how to write more creatively.

    Read the biographies of famous writers and then follow in their footsteps.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Which of these sentences from the letter uses imagery?

    They journeyed on, now taking a step forward, impelled by the desire to write, now at a standstill, held back by defects of style or lack of ideas.

    One can learn to write if he has it in him; but he does not learn from a teacher, counselor, or adviser.

    I should see to it that among our national products authors with noble powers had the chief place.

    From your letter I judge that you do not read with your fingers.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    In paragraph 3, the author’s shift to using the pronoun we suggests that she —

    feels superior to the reader because of her experience

    identifies with the struggles of a would-be writer

    considers herself to be a successful author

    identifies with blind people who are learning to read

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