



Civics EOC Practice Test Part 2


29 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    How did passage of this legislation affect the political process in the United States?

    It enforced the Fifteenth Amendment, protecting the right of racial minorities to vote.

    It enforced the Nineteenth Amendment, protecting the right of women to vote.

    It extended suffrage to U.S. citizens, allowing 18-year-olds to vote.

    It extended suffrage to U.S. citizens, allowing 21-year-olds to vote.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    What happened in American schools after the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v.

    Board of Education?

    States could continue segregation as long as facilities were separate but equal.

    Individuals of different races voluntarily stopped all forms of school segregation.

    The federal government ordered that states desegregate classes.

    Desegregation was ordered for only high schools.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Following the 1966 Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona, police began informing

    people placed under arrest that they "have the right to remain silent." What basic freedom is this

    meant to protect, and how does it affect arrested individuals?

    The right to freedom of speech; it provides them with the ability to speak to their attorneys without fear of incrimination.

    The protection against self-incrimination; it informs them that speaking to law enforcement could incriminate them.

    The protection of due process; it prevents convicted offenders from receiving cruel and unusual punishments.

    The right to freedom of assembly; it prevents law enforcement from asking them questions without the presence of an attorney.

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