Tundra and Taiga (Coniferous Forest)
Rebecca Young
7th - 8th Grade
116 plays
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9 questions
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Multiple Choice
Tundra average temperatures
-110 to 50
0 to 75
-10 to 80
-200 to 0
Multiple Choice
Producers of the Tundra include:
coniferous pine, shrubs
moss, lichen, dwarf trees, small flowers
deciduous trees, grasses, shrubs
no producers due to cold temperatures
Multiple Choice
Match soil characteristics of the Tundra:
thawed top layer, acidic from decomposing pine needles
fresh top layer, nutrient rich from snow melt
permafrost in winter, complete thaw for summer, nutrient rich
permafrost year round, even under summer soil, nutrient poor
Multiple Choice
In the brief summer season in the Tundra, how does the environment change?
pioneer organisms, migratory animals, and freshwater pools
frozen permafrost, no producers or consumers
permafrost melts, large land mammals return to large trees
Land returns to bare rock and primary succession begins
Multiple Choice
Which map represents Taiga (Coniferous Forest)?
Multiple Choice
Which climate pattern matches Taiga?
cold snowy winter, cold dry summer
winter year round, no summer
longer cold winter period, mild rainy summer
temperate year roud
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