
9th -



Average Atomic Mass Practice Problems


6 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt
    24.1% of all the isotopes of a an element have a mass of 75.23 amu, 48.7% have a mass of 74.61 amu, and 27.2% have a mass of 75.20 amu.
    What is the average mass of this element?
    74.92 amu
    24.97 amu
    75.01 amu
    74.51 amu
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Calcium has three different isotopes. One has a mass of 35.00 amu; another has a mass of 41.00 amu; and another has a mass of 40.00 amu. Which isotope is the most abundant of the three?
    40.00 amu
    41.00 amu
    35.00 amu
    impossible to tell
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Calculate the average atomic mass of an element with the follow isotope information: 4.35% have a mass of 49.9461 amu, 83.79% have amass of 51.9405 amu, 9.50% have a mass of 52.9407 amu, and 2.36% have a mass of 53.9389 amu.

    51.99 amu

    52.19 amu

    53.45 amu

    17.33 amu

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