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Ch. 10 Tectonic Plates


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of these describes a cause of lithospheric plate movement across the surface of Earth?

    The plates are driven by bubbles from the boiling liquid of the asthenosphere.

    The plates float on dense liquid material of the asthenosphere and are moved by tidal forces.

    The plates are driven across the surface by convection currents within the plastic rock of the asthenosphere.

    The plates move because they are attached to the solid rock of the asthenosphere and move with that rock.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Two plates composed of rock of similar density meet along a convergent boundary. Which statement describes what will happen where the two plates meet?

    The plates will rub against each other, causing shearing and creating fault lines in the interior of the plates.

    The plates will collide with neither plate subducting, causing the crust to pile up and form a mountain range.

    The plates will collide, and the compression will heat the plates, causing some of the plates to melt and form volcanic mountains.

    The plates will rub against each other, causing one plate to subduct underneath the other plate and forming a deep trench along the boundary

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Heat from deep in Earth’s interior is transferred to its crust by which of the following?

    conduction in the ocean

    convection in the mantle

    radiation in the solid core

    evaporation at mid ocean ridges

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