3/18 - Living Environment
Emma Shoaf
9th Grade
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Multiple Choice
A corn field includes corn plants, mice, hawks, and various insects, fungi, and bacteria. Which nutritional role is correctly paired with organisms that carry out that role?
heterotrophs - corn and bacteria
producers - insects and fungi
consumers - mice and insects
decomposers - hawks and bacteria
Multiple Choice
Which sequence best represents the levels of organization in a paramecium, a single-celled organism?
cells —› tissues —› organs —› organ systems —› organism
organelles —› organ systems —› organism
cells —› organs —› organ systems —› organism
organelles —› organism
Multiple Choice
The brown tree snake was accidentally introduced to the island of Guam during World War II. Since then, this snake has caused the extinction of twelve native bird species by eating their eggs and young. One negative result of this snake’s introduction was most likely
an increase in diversity as new species evolved to replace extinct species
an increase in mosquitoes due to an increase in bird species in the environment
a disruption of food chains and food webs in Guam’s ecosystems
an abundance of brown tree snakes as a food source for humans
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