



Standard 22 Review Nixon, Ford, and Carter


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
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    "We will stay (in Vietnam) because a just nation cannot leave to the cruelties of its enemies a people who have staked their lives and independence on America's solemn pledge-a pledge which had grown through the commitment of three American Presidents. "We will stay because in Asia-and around the world-are countries whose independence rests, in large measure, on confidence in America's word and in American protection. To yield to force in Vietnam would weaken that confidence, would undermine the independence of many lands, and would whet the appetite of aggression. We would have to fight in one land, and then we would have to fight in another-or abandon much of Asia to the domination of Communists."

    -Lyndon B. Johnson, State of the Union Message, January 12, 1966

    The foreign policy position for Vietnam explained in the excerpt is most directly based on

    The practice of brinkmanship.

    The process of decolonization.

    The belief in the domino theory.

    The principle of mutually assured destruction.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    In which way did Johnson most significantly depart from the policies of prior presidents?

    He used U.S. troops in a combat role in Vietnam.

    He attempted to negotiate with North Vietnam.

    He limited the number of troops sent to Vietnam.

    He turned over all decision making to the generals.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt

    Which of the following best characterizes the position of the president's antiwar critics?

    The war primarily enriched the military-industrial complex.

    The conflict was primarily a civil war between factions in Vietnam.

    The containment policy would not work in Asia.

    Johnson did not want to look soft on Communism.

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