



Why Exploring the Ocean is Mankind's Next Giant Leap


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
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    1. According to the author, why is the descent of Walsh and Picard to the deepest part of the ocean “largely forgotten today”? (Lines 1-15)

    A Other ocean explorers soon descended deeper.

    B Walsh and Picard did not discover anything of value.

    C The location of the Mariana Trench was too far away to be of interest.

    D People were more interested in the race to the moon.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    2. Why does the author think that the time may now be right to focus on ocean research? (Lines 16-28)

    A The space shuttle program has come to an end.

    B There is nothing more to be learned from space research.

    C Ocean research will cost less than the space program.

    D Ocean researchers can learn from discoveries made in space.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    3. What evidence does Cousteau give to support his idea that “we’ve only dipped our toes in the water” of ocean exploration? (Lines 35-56)

    A The ocean covers more than 70 percent of our planet.

    B His grandfather co-invented the SCUBA system.

    C We’ve explored only about 10 percent of the ocean.

    D The ocean supports life as we know it.

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