Social Studies




Freedom vs. Order


12 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    “Everyone believes that the FBI should have the tools it needs to catch dangerous criminals. But too often over the past decade, intelligence and law enforcement agencies choose approaches that sweep up information from millions of innocent Americans instead of targeting terrorists and criminals. These approaches don’t make us safer.

    “The changes to Rule 41 allow the FBI to hack millions of victims of cybercrime. These victims of hacks are regular people, not criminals.”

    -Cecilia Kang, “Ron Wyden Discusses Encryption, Data Privacy and Security,” New York Times, October 9, 2016

    Based on the text, which of the following statements would Senator Wyden most likely agree with?

    The need for public safety should not exceed an individual’s protection from unreasonable search and seizure

    The prohibition of warrantless searches of suspected criminals fails to protect citizens from potential crimes

    The Fourth Amendment does not protect the collection of digital metadata and should not require a warrant

    Protection from unreasonable searches and seizures in the Fourth Amendment can reasonably be suspended to promote public safety

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    “Everyone believes that the FBI should have the tools it needs to catch dangerous criminals. But too often over the past decade, intelligence and law enforcement agencies choose approaches that sweep up information from millions of innocent Americans instead of targeting terrorists and criminals. These approaches don’t make us safer.

    “The changes to Rule 41 allow the FBI to hack millions of victims of cybercrime. These victims of hacks are regular people, not criminals.”

    -Cecilia Kang, “Ron Wyden Discusses Encryption, Data Privacy and Security,” New York Times, October 9, 2016

    Which of the following constitutional provisions limits the power of the federal government to collect digital metadata as described by Senator Wyden?

    The Fourth Amendment in the Bill of Rights

    Judicial review in Article III

    The Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights

    Enumerated powers in Article I

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    “It is clear that the ancient and humane limitation upon the State's ability to execute its sentences has as firm a hold upon the jurisprudence of today as it had centuries ago in England. The various reasons put forth in support of the common-law restriction [on executing the insane] have no less logical, moral, and practical force than they did when first voiced. For today, no less than before, we may seriously question the retributive value of executing a person who has no comprehension of why he has been singled out and stripped of his fundamental right to life.”

    -Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall, majority opinion in Ford v. Wainwright (1986)

    Which of the following statements is most consistent with the author’s argument in this passage?

    The death penalty is considered cruel and unusual punishment and cannot ever be used

    There are limits on who can be given a death penalty sentence

    Juries can only sentence defendants to the death penalty for capital offenses

    The states have the power to decide limits to the death penalty

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