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20 questions
What is the word for "Ring" in French?
What does "Tu penses?" mean?
What do you think?
Do you think so?
I don't think so.
What is it?
What is "To buy" in French?
What is "I am going to the department store." in French?
Je vais au centre commercial.
Je vais au grand magasin.
Tu vas au grand magasin.
Tu vas au centre commercial.
What does "Où vas-tu?" mean?
Where are you going?
Where did he go?
Where did they go?
Where do you want to go?
In which occasion does one wear "Des sandales"?
En hiver
Quand il pleut
En été
Quand il neige
When someone asks you what do you think of an elegant dress you say.....
Elle est elegant.
Elle est élégante.
Il est élégante.
Il est elegant.
What does one wear when it is cold outside?
Une cravate
Des sandales
Un maillot de bain
Un manteau
People _____________ their clothes to keep them clean.
When a man proposes, what does he give his significant other?
Un tee-shirt
Une bague
Une ceinture
Des bottes
You wear "Une casquette" at a ....
À une fête.
À un match de baseball.
Un restaurant.
À l'école.
When it rains out, what do you wear to keep yourself dry?
Un imperméable
Un veste
Une robe
Un polo
After people wash their clothes they_______ them.
What combination of items would someone wear on a casual stroll in the park on a clear and sunny day?
Des chaussures, un jean, et une tee-shirt.
Une chemise, une veste, une cravate, et un pantalon,
Une robe et des bijoux.
Un maillot de bain, une lunette, et des sandales.
What do you ask a salesperson when you need help?
Je cherche....
Pardon, monsieur/ madame.
Pardon, monsieur/ madame, je cherche....
What is the verb for "To iron" in French?
What does "Combien coûte" mean?
What do you need?
How may I help you?
How much is.....?/ How much is it?
Is it...?
How does one write "I am going to wash my clothes." in French?
Je change de vêtements.
Je mets mes vêtements.
Je vais enfiler mes vêtements.
Je vais laver mes vêtements.
Where would you wear "Une chemise, une cravate et un pantalon."?
Un parc.
À la maison.
À une fête.
Toutes les réponses.(Depends on the situation)
How do you say "I would like a shirt please. (Male)" to a salesperson?
Je voudrais une chemise.
Je veux une chemise.
Je veux un chemisier.
Je voudrais un chemisier.
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