
9th -



Determining Theme 10.1


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What is the theme of the following passage?

    “You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth.”

    The truth can be a facade.

    People who read are the most literate.

    Honesty isn't always the best policy.

    Beauty fades but kindness is immortal.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What is the theme of the following passage?

    “Neighbors bring food with death and flowers with sickness and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of good-luck pennies, and our lives. But neighbors give in return. We never put back into the tree what we took out of it: we had given him nothing, and it made me sad.”

    Fortune is frivolous.

    Overcoming adversity makes you stronger.

    It is nice to have giving neighbors

    Giving is not always proportional to receiving.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What is the theme of the following passage?

    “Then the fish came alive, with his death in him, and rose high out of the water showing all his great length and width and all his power and his beauty. He seemed to hang in the air above the old man in the skiff. Then he fell into the water with a crash that sent spray over the old man and over all the skiff.”-

    If you want a friend, be a friend.

    Greed will always be punished.

    Nature is a powerful force.

    One who learns to fish will never go hungry.

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