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20 questions
Darry, Sodapop, and Pony are all
On his way home from the movies, Pony
finds Johnny beat up on the corner
gets jumped by the Socs
sees Dally slashing Shephard's tires
The greasers help Pony by
chasing off the socs
rumbling with Tim Shephard's gang
lying to Darry
Soda secretly tells Ponyboy that
Dally is wanted for murder
Darry is in poor health
Soda plans to marry Sandy
Pony feels that Darry
wants Soda to leave home
longs to move to the country
does not care for him
At the drive-in movie, Dally
spills his coke on Cherry Valance
talks dirty to two Soc girls
fights a hitchhiker
Pony and Dally are shocked when Johnny
tells Dally to leave the two soc girls alone
asks Cherry out to the rodeo
pulls a knife on Two-bit
At the concession stand, Ponyboy tells Cherry about
the rules of the greasers
his troubles with Darry
what the Socs did to Johnny
Ever since being attacked, Johnny has
carried a 6 inch switch blade
stayed close to Dally for protection
tried to pick fights with Socs
Cherry helps Ponyboy to realize that
the gang is doing him more harm than good
Darry really cares for him
not all Socs and greasers are alike
Dally directs the boys to Windrixville because
It is beautiful there
it is place where there are no greaser and no socs
there is a hideout there
Ponyboy says, "It ain't fair!" Why does he say this?
His parent died
He believes his brother Darry doesn't love him
the Socs have life easier than the greasers
Two-bit flips out his switchblade. Why?
He wants to impress the girls
He is threatened by the Socs
He is trying to scare off Tim Shephard
Pony and Johnny seek out Dally. Why?
They need money a gun and a plan
They are afraid the socs will find them
they want to go to Buck Merrill's party
Ponyboy says he hasn't been to church lately. Why?
He stopped believing in going to church
His friends embarrassed him the last time they all went to church
the socs are always at church
Cherry agrees to ride home with Bob even though he is drunk. Why?
She says she hates fights
She is in love with him
She is afraid to walk home with the greasers
The Socs attack Ponyboy and Johnny because
They were on the West side, out of their territory
Dally slashed Tim Shephard's tires
The greasers had picked up the Soc girls
Ponyboy saved his money for a year because
he wants to buy back Mickey Mouse (horse) for Soda
he wants a new car
He want's to pay for Darry to go to college
Pony cries in front of Johnny
He feels bad for Johnny
He misses his mom and dad
Darry hit him
Pony talks to a farmer because
He wants to move to farm
He wants to get away from the place where socs and greasers are always fighting
he needs directions to Jay Mountain
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