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10 questions
Identify the function of the Axial skeletal structure.
We are composed of one skeleton that can be divided into two major regions, the axial and appendicular skeleton. Identify the structures that make up the axial skeleton,
talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, and cuneiform
limbs and girdles
skull, vertebrae, ribs and sternum
hands, arms and shoulder girdle
Identify the bones NOT identified as Appendicular bones
26 bones in the vertebral column (24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx)
Left and right clavicle (2) and scapula (2).
Arms and forearms (6 bones) - Left and right humerus (2) (arm), ulna (2) and radius (2) (forearm).
Pectoral girdles (4 bones)
Identify a function of the axial skeleton
allows for movement of the wrist and hand
protects nerves and blood vessels at the elbos
supports the trunk of the body
allows for movement of the foot and ankle
Correctly complete this statement: The axial skeleton...
consists of 126 bones.
forms the vertical axis of the body.
includes all bones of the body an trunk.
includes only the bones of the lower limbs,
Identify the bone of the brain case.
parietal bone.
zygomatic bone.
maxillary bone.
lacrimal bone
Identify bones in human hand
carpal, metacarpal, phalanges
humerus, radial, ulna
metatarsal, tarsals, phalanges
femur, patella, tibia, fibula
Identify any of the 126 Appendicular Bones
Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals, Metacarpals, Phalanges,
cranial, sternum, thorax, ossicles
metacarpals, phalanges, sacrum, coccyx
hyoid, humerus, sacrum, sternum
Identify the function(s) of the axial skeleton
to provide support and protection for the brain, the spinal cord, and the organs in the ventral body cavity
to support core of limbs
to provides a surface for the attachment of muscles that move the head, neck, and trunk
to performs respiratory movements
The appendicular skeleton consists of the limbs and girdles. Identify the girdles that are matched correctly to attached limbs.
pelvic girdle is the attachment point for our thigh bone
pectoral girdle is formed by the clavicle and scapula
pectoral girdle serves as the attachment point for humerus and consists of ilium, icshium, and pubis
pelvic girdle is the attachment point for femur
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