
5th -



Identifying Genres


10 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Freedom Summer

    Joe and John Henry are a lot alike. They both like shooting marbles, they both want to be firemen, and they both love to swim. But there's one important way they're different: Joe is white and John Henry is black, and in the South in 1964, that means John Henry isn't allowed to do everything his best friend is. Then a law is passed that forbids segregation and opens the town pool to everyone. Joe and John Henry are so excited that they race each other there...only to discover that it takes more than a new law to change people's hearts.

    biographical nonfiction


    historical fiction

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    Harry Potter & the Sorcerer’s Stone

    On his 11th birthday, a boy discovers that his deceased parents were wizards and that he, himself, has magical powers.


    science fiction

    traditional literature

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    15 minutes
    1 pt

    I Am Malala

    The true story of a girl who risked her life in order to stand up for her right to go to school

    historical fiction

    realistic fiction

    biographical nonfiction

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