
9th -



Hamlet Act I Gavin


30 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    What are the two reasons Hamlet is upset at the beginning of the play - scene ii ?

    His mother has been ignoring him, and his woman has called it off.

    His father died, and his uncle declared war on Fortinbras.

    His father died, and his uncle married his mother less than two months later.

    His father is dead, and his uncle is the one who killed him

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    What news does Horatio bring to Hamlet?

    Horatio tells Hamlet of a great plague that has come upon the land.

    Horatio tells Hamlet that his mother has been excommunicated.

    Horatio tells Hamlet about king Hamlet's ghost.

    Horatio tells Hamlet that his father passed away

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    At the end of scene iii, Ophelia agrees to obey Polonius' wish, which is that ...

    She will marry Fortinbras.

    She will go to a convent.

    She will stay away from Hamlet and reject his affections.

    She will not interact with any suitors

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