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9 questions
Where is the location of the UK?
It is located on the British Isles.
It is located on British Isles.
How many kilometres is the UK off the coast of France?
The UK is 35 kilometres off northwestern coast of France.
The UK is 35 kilometres off the northwestern coast of France.
What is the UK separated by from Europe?
It's separated by the English channel.
It's separated by English channel.
What is the name of the narrowest part of the English Cannel?
It's called the Straight of Dover.
It's called Straight of Dover.
What links the UK with France?
There is the Channel Tunnel beneath the English Cannel.
There is Channel Tunnel beneath English Cannel.
How many islands are the British Islands made up off?
The British Islands made up off 136 inhabited islands.
The British Islands are made up off 136 inhabited islands.
What are the largest islands?
The largest islands are the Great Britain and the Northern Ireland.
The largest islands are Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
What is surround the UK?
It's washed by four seas: the English Channel, the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
It's washed by four seas: English Channel, the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
Does the UK border on any countries?
Only Northern Ireland shares land border with the Republic of Ireland. The UK doesn't border on any other cuontries.
Only Northern Ireland shares land border with Republic of Ireland. The UK doesn't border on any other cuontries.
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