



Unit 1: Settlements (8-1.1,8-1.2) Period 5


37 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What common trait did all Native Americans in South Carolina share?

    They all practiced the same religion and worshiped the same deity (god).

    They all lived along the coast and fished to obtain food.

    They were all nomadic and moved from the mountains to the coast with the seasons.

    They all adapted their culture and lifestyles to the environment where they lived.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What impact did the introduction of farming have on the Eastern Woodlands tribes?

    It forced them to travel to new places to seek out fertile land.

    It caused them to settle in more permanent villages than their ancestors.

    It resulted in malnutrition as they did not have a wide variety of foods.

    It made their lifestyle very similar to that of the Plains Indians.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    3 minutes
    1 pt

    What characteristic did the Eastern Woodland tribes of South Carolina have in common?

    They refused to allow women to participate in governing the tribe.

    They were nomadic and moved from place to place.

    They lived in the mountains and avoided settling near the coast.

    They farmed crops using tools made from rocks and bones.

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