History, Social Studies

9th -



Unit 1: Ancient Civilizations & World Religions


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    "... Paleolithic men could not control their food supply. So long as they relied on foraging, hunting, fishing, and trapping, they were dependent on the natural food supply in a given area to keep from starving. But while Paleolithic men continued their food-gathering pattern of existence in Europe, Africa, and Australia, groups of people in the Near East began to cultivate edible plants and to breed animals. Often described as the 'first economic revolution' in the history of man, this momentous change from food-gathering to a food-producing economy initiated the Neolithic Age. Paleolithic man was a hunter; Neolithic man became a farmer and herdsman..." - T. Walter Walbank, et al., Civilization: Past and Present, Scott, Foresman, and Company

    According to the authors of this passage, what is one significant change that occurred between the Paleolithic and the Neolithic Ages?

    Women began to share equal responsibility for hunting and gathering with men

    People in Europe and Africa began to farm earlier than those in Asia and Australia

    Man switched from food-gathering to food-producing due to the Neolithic Revolution

    Men who relied on farming and herding lived a shorter life than those who hunted and gathered

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Based on this comic, which of the following is NOT a major effect of the Neolithic Revolution?

    Selective planting allowed for better quality harvests.

    New ways of preparing and cooking food developed.

    The development of fences allowed people to keep herds of animals.

    People began to hunt and fish more often.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt

    Based on the above image, which element of civilization is evident in Mesopotamia?

    Specialized workers

    Record keeping

    Advanced cities

    Complex institutions

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