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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    According to this article, what is STATISTICS?

    Statistics is the universal language of the sciences that involves information, numbers, visual graphics to summarize information and its interpretation. In other words, the science of collecting, describing, and interpreting data.

    Statistics is a method of analyzing and collecting data that is not easily visible and must be described by using mathematics and other sciences.

    Statistics is using data, concluding data and making inferential theories from the information that has a positive normal distribution.

    Statistics involves using information, numbers, and descriptive conclusions to help businesses make corrective business decisions based on the descriptive techniques that create perfect graphs.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Descriptive statistics involves...

    collection, presentation, and description of sample data

    the technique of interpreting the values resulting from the descriptive techniques and making decisions and drawing conclusions about the population

    attempting to provide incorrect information and provide misleading graphs

    using information, numbers, and graphics even when data can't be collected

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    Inferential statistics involves...

    collection, presentation, and description of sample data

    the technique of interpreting the values resulting from the descriptive techniques and making decisions and drawing conclusions about the population

    attempting to provide incorrect information and provide misleading graphs

    using information, numbers, and graphics even when data can't be collected

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