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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Which sentence from the passage provides the best insight into Della’s feelings for Jim?

    A. “A furnished flat at $8 per week.”

    B. “Only 1.87 to buy a present for Jim.”

    C. “‘Will you buy my hair?’ asked Della.

    D. “‘Please God, make him think I am still pretty.’”

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    What can the reader infer from the following passage?

    So now Della’s beautiful hair fell about her rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her. And then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

    On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she fluttered out the door and down the stairs to the street.

    A. Della is upset that her clothes are worn.

    B. Della is upset because her hair is wet.

    C. Della is bothered that she has to find a gift for Jim.

    D. Della decides to sell her hair, and briefly mourns the loss of her favorite feature.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    Which sentence from the passage provides the best example of suspense within the story?

    A. “Jim was never late.”

    B. “The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it.”

    C. “He simply stared at her fixedly with that peculiar expression on his face.”

    D. “Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake.”

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