



Lesson 11 Determine Point of View


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Rising From the Ashes Question 1: Which sentence most accurately summarizes the author's point of view in the editorial?

    A The explosion leaked millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf Coast, but BP responded quickly and responsibly.

    B The oil spill disaster was a result of BP's thoughtless actions and its refusal to listen to experts.

    C The rig explosion is a tragedy, but events like this are a problem that the oil industry can learn how to control.

    D BP has been drilling safely in the Gulf of Mexico for over fifty years, and one accident should not be held against the company.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    Rising From the Ashes Question 2: Why does the author of the editorial include statements made by the BP oil executives?

    A to show the contrast between the evidence and the company's official position

    B to emphasize that the oil company executives are truthful but inimaginative

    C to explain why BP's actions were understandable

    D to defend the company's actions both before and after the deep water oil spill

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    "A Dire Shortage of Water" Question 1: How does the author reveal a point of view that differs from the statement given?

    A She mentions recent scientific discoveries about ocean temperatures, global climate, and drought.

    B She refers to historical records of droughts in the western part of the United States

    C She explains that ocean temperatures cause drought, but human settlements make the problem worse.

    D She reports that the rate of the water flow in the Colorado River Basin has decreased to about one-third of its original rate.

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