Other Sciences




5.6D Science STAAR (Force & Motion)


7 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1.5 minutes
    1 pt

    A student uses a spring scale to pull a 50-gram block horizontally across a wood desk. Then the student pulls the block the same distance across surfaces of carpet, sandpaper, and glass. Which question is this investigation most likely designed to answer? (5.6D)

    How do block of different sizes react to force?

    How do different surfaces affect the amount of force needed to move a block?

    How do blocks affect spring scales?

    How does the mass of a block change when it is pulled across a desk?

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1.5 minutes
    1 pt

    A student observes that the craters on the moon are different sizes. The student designs an experiment to study the formation of craters. The materials for the experiment are marbles and a pan of flour. The student makes a hypothesis that the size of the craters made on the surface of the flour will depend on the height from which the marble is dropped. Some of the steps in the student's experiment are described in the picture. Which of these is most likely Step 3 in the student's experiment? (5.6D)

    Drop the same marble from different heights into the pan of flour

    Drop marbles of different masses from the same height into the pan of flour

    Drop marbles of different sizes from different heights into the pan of flour

    Drop a single marble one time into the pan of flour

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    1.5 minutes
    1 pt

    A student designs an experiment to test the force of a spring using a spring launcher and four spheres with the same diameter but with different masses. What other piece of equipment would be most useful for this experiment? (5.6D)

    A graduated cylinder to measure the volume of each sphere before the sphere is launched

    A beaker to collect the spheres after they are launched

    A stopwatch to measure how long it takes to load each sphere on the spring

    A meterstick to measure the height each sphere reaches after the sphere is launched

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