



Peace Corps: Service to the World


9 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    What is the most likely reason the author wrote this selection? 
    To inform the reader about the history and work of the Peace Corps 
    To provide information about an influential president
    To challenge the reader to create programs that are similar to the Peace Corps
    To explain the benefits of serving in the Peace Corps 
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    Because the Latin root tangere means “to touch,” the reader can tell that the word intangible in paragraph 7 refers to something that — 
    is passed on from one person to another 
    does not consist of a physical substance 
    is not physically strong
    is handled often 
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt
    A recent change in the kind of work done by Peace Corps volunteers is the result of — 
    advances in technology
    new agricultural techniques 
    greater cultural awareness 
    increased health needs 
  • Answer choices
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