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10 questions
My grandma is a better cook than my mom
Mi abuela es mayor cocinera que mi mama
Mi abuela es meor cocinera que mi mama
Mi abuela es mejor cocinera que mi mama
Mi abuela es menor cocinera que mi mama
The summer is better than playing outside in the winter
El verano es mejor que juegando fuera en el invierno
El verano es menor que juegando fuera en el invierno
El verano es meyor que juegando fuera en el invierno
El verano es peor que juegando fuera en el invierno
Driving a truck is worse than biking
Manejando el camion es peor que ciclismo
Manejando el camion es mayor que ciclismo
Manenjado el camion es mejor que ciclismo
Manenjado el camion es menor que ciclismo
Jack es mayor que Alex
Jack is younger than Alex
Jack is better than Alex
Jack is older than Alex
Jack is worse than Alex
Snowy es menor que Napoleon
Snowy is older than Napoleon
Snowy is worse than Napopleon
Snowy is better than Napoleon
Snowy is younger than Napoleon
Jack es el mejores saxifonista
Jack is the worst saxophone player
Jack is the youngest saxophone player
Jack is the best saxophone player
Jack is the oldest saxophone player
Alex es el peores béisbolista
Alex is the worst baseball player
Alex is the best baseball player
Alex is the youngest baseball player
Alex is the oldest baseball player
Blake es el mejores decir la hora
Blake is the worst at telling time
Blake is the youngest at telling time
Blake is the oldest at telling time
Blake is the best at telling time
Chloe es Jack's la menor hermana
Chloe is Jack's oldest sister
Chloe is Jack's youngest sister
Chloe is Jack's Best sister
Chloe is Jack's worst sister
Adam es el mayor
Adam is the oldest
Adam is the youngest
Adam is the best
Adam is the worst
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