Other Sciences

6th -



Scientific Variables


18 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1.5 minutes
    1 pt
    An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music. In this investigation, the independent variable is ...
    The type of plant
    The amount of sunlight
    The type of music
    The type of liquid
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music. In this investigation, what are the controlled variables?
    Type of plant, amount of music, and sunlight
    Water, apple juice, milk
    Plant growth
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    45 seconds
    1 pt
    An experiment is performed on plants to see how different liquids affect plant growth. Each plant in the experiment is given a different liquid; water, apple juice, or milk. Each plant has the same amount of soil, sunlight, and listens to the same music. In this investigation, what is the dependent variable?
    Type of plant
    Water, apple juice, milk
    Plant growth
  • Answer choices
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