
7th -



3-Concluding Sentences


15 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    1 minute
    1 pt
    Which of the following best describes the function of a closing or concluding sentence?
    It introduces new ideas or possible related topics
    It retells the topic in a new way such as adding a surprise or a new solution
    It restates the topic in the exact same wording as the topic sentence
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Choose the best concluding sentence for this paragraph: 
    Colors reflect a person's moods. Yellow is a happy color. It is the color of the sun. Red shows an angry feeling. It is the color of fire and it just feels angry.Blue is the color of sadness. We often say "I have the blues" when we are depressed. Pink reflects excitement. People often where pink in the gym when they are exercising.
    That is to say, different colors make us feel happy, sad, angry or excited.
    Therefore, colors can reflect different feelings.
    I like wearing clothes of different colors to reflect how I feel.
    What colors do you like to wear?
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt
    Choose the best concluding sentence for this paragraph: 
    Farmers’ markets are lively and great fun to attend. Some markets have local musicians perform music. Local food vendors also sell their fabulous foods. The best part, however, is the huge selection of delicious produce from local farmers and gardeners.
    Farmers' markets are so much fun, so everyone should go to one!
    I love eating food from the Farmer's Market.
    I go to the Farmer's Market every week.
    Music at the Farmer's Market is often cheap to buy.
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